Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309


Isn't it fascinating how some images look more interesting on the landscape.

The day hasn't quite gone as planned, but hey ho, sometimes you gotta roll with it.

Quick Blip today while out in town, rare moment solo shopping, only to be joined by Munchkin 1 wielding his birthday book vouchers, while I was enjoying the jumble sale that is Primani!

Now I've lost some inches and dropped a dress size from my marathon training, so I thought I was in pretty good shape...that was until I entered the HALL OF HORRORS MIRRORS! Mmmmm looks like I may have to lay off the Hot Cross Buns if I want to wear a bikini in July!

My Blip today is actually a close up of one of three water fountains/sculptures. I thought the lines looked far more interesting flipped round...well...landscaped.


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