
By cowgirl

When one door closes ...

I heard back from the supermarket that I had an interview with last week - they didn't want me, but that's ok as I had already decided I didn't want to work there either! Last Tues Jan's husband asked her I'd she knew of anyone looking for work, so she asked me if I would be interested. I went over and had a chat with him and decided to accept the offer.

Mr. Pickleberry, Keith, runs a frozen meals delivery service, mainly catering for older people on their own, or just not able to cook for themselves for whatever reason. I'll be picking and packing the orders and will be trained by Roni who I used to work with every Friday at Pickleberry, as she also works for both Keith and Jan.

It's only part-time, but it will be good to be earning my keep again.

I did what could be my last couple of hours for Jan today, though maybe once I'm in my stride she can negotiate for some help from me with Keith, without causing a marital rift!

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