
By cowgirl

Bacon Flavoured Bubbles!

I kid you not!

Today we went out to have a look at paint colours for the new kitchen, as we're hoping if we plonk the paint pots in there, the builders will use our choice of colour instead of the magnolia colour that is standard.

We were in a well known DIY store, so I was able to get slug pellets and cat repellent pellets in the hope that the little plants I've planted out can have a chance to grow without being eaten or dug up.

It was such a nice day that we went off to the Kennet and Avon canal for a coffee and a wander around the independent shops ( arts and crafts, shabby chic, nice little gifts ) off the stretch that runs through Bradford-on-Avon. Before we returned home we stopped for ice-cream - a Christmas Pudding flavoured one for me ( " Really?! " Sav exclaimed as I took it out of the freezer! ). I took no photographs tho, as had forgotten to take a camera out with me, doh!

When we got home, I excitedly blew bubbles for Arfa and Shadow with the bacon flavoured bubbles we'd found in one of the said nice shops, What fun it would be, I thought.

Shadow had a sniff and went out.

Arfa was curious, but not at all sure - for one thing, every time he touched one, it disappeared!

I think I was having the most fun, blowing the bubbles!

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