
By mrsc48

Completely different

It's amazing what you find when you are looking for something completly different.

I have a little project going at present. It's a surprise for a person who is having a big birthday this year. It's not mine that is later this year but I can't do a surprise for myself.

I am looking for a particular photo. I have seen this photo many times, each time I think I must remember where that is cos I could use that. Each time I put it back remembering where it is.

Only today I can't find it. I have been in lots of locations and seen lots of other photos all of which I am remembering where they are. I have had some laughs and some smiles and some happy memories rekindled but no photo of the person in question.

Tomorrow is another day and I have another two locations to search. After that if I cannot find it I must stand defeated and be happy for the memories I 've had today.

My photo, that is of a christmas present I bought for someone which I put away and forget about until today when I was looking for something completely different.

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