THREE is the magic number

Beautiful day. Sharp and windy, but very bright.

No 3 spent the whole day outside in the garden. We cleared out her playhouse, hung washing, pottered and she had two friends round later in the afternoon to play on the trampoline.

I cleaned windows ! Inside and out ! (can hardly move my arms now!).

Mr S made a fantastic dinner - a wee Jamie Oliver - Chicken Satay with more than a hint of chilli. Afterwards No 3 and I popped up to see these 3 gorgeous boys.

I was frantically trying to sort out teenage dramas on my mobile - when I hung up I think their mum was VERY pleased to have 3 boys! They may trash her house now, but as soon as they hit puberty they will only need a new pair of footy boots and a can of Lynx to keep them happy.

3 girls is a LOT harder !

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