Harlaw Reservoir

I had just my own company for a walk round the reservoir this morning...oh, apart from the dog walkers and fishermen.

What is it with dog owners treating their pets like children???!!! They are DOGS! I'm a dog lover...had a lovely wee yorkie called Nell when I was little, would love another, but Mr S is allergic.

Dog walker today to her MASSIVE dog who was prancing along the path like a puppy...."Orla.....Orla.....Orla.... come here Orla...Oh here's daddy Orla". I looked around expecting to see another dog. But it was an old man !! Unless science has advanced beyond my knowledge, that man could not be the dog's father!

A similar conversation with mums collecting from dancing tonight, one brought their (very cute) white westie. Seems they all tell their dog when they are going out that they 'won't be long' and 'be good for mummy till I get back'.

Good grief.

I told them my visions of these family pets phoning up their pals as soon as 'mum' was out the house, telling them they had an 'empty'. " but don't bring the dobermann....he pees everywhere".

Oh how we laughed.

My parting shot to these pet lovers "don't forget to put a lock on the phone!".

And they think I'M mad !!!

Here's a dog-free view of the reservoir !

Have a great weekend everyone xxxx

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