
By intothehills


Managed to walk four miles today - easily the longest walk since the operation.
Added to the recent slow increase in activity it feels like some progress is being made - but I'll be glad to have lunch with the excellent Alison the Physio tomorrow and get either some confirmation or (possibly more likely) a telling off for doing too much. Who knew 'resting' would be so damn hard.

Nearly all the fields we passed today were packed with the fell sheep that have been brought to pasture for lambing season. It was great after the horrors of last year's prolonged winter to see so many lambs - and as if nature was trying to make recompense nearly every sheep we saw had had a double birth. The lambs come a little later where we are so it will be a few weeks before they're forming their little gangs and gambling about - but of all the sights of Spring this is probably the most iconic where we are.

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