Loch Avich

Back to rainy Argyll and the struggle for blips again.

Myself and blip friend Snapper aka "The two short ladies" set off in the Snapper mobile to look for blips in the rain. We travelled lots of rainy roads between Kilmartin, Dalavich and Kilmelford by the back roads but very few blips were in sight. The mist was low and the windscreen wipers on. A few lochs, mountains, forests and Dougie huts later we returned home. Not a bad way to spend a wet Sunday afternoon.

This is the view over Loch Avich, the cages in the loch are probably for Trout but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. The colours are still strongly autumnal before the spring greens take over and this shows the best of the light that we had today

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