Capturing small moments..

By Milli

London Marathon

If you want to run, run a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon.

Emil Zatopek

What a inspirational and fantastic sunny day at the London Marathon today.

Firstly Kipsang does it again and breaks the world record, absolutely brilliant, Mo good effort, and to all the rest of the runners, all I can say is wow.

Standing there today with the rest of the thousands of supporters and spectators, we cheered and screamed as the runners passed mile 23. It was so fabulous to watch and motivate the runners as they passed. It was inspiring to see from the old to those with difficulties run, I have so much respect for them as they raise money for charities and run for loved ones.

What was so heart warming, was to see how they helped each other too, they shared their energy gels, put their arm around each other, a few couples held hands, how they ran to their families and children who stood waiting with banners, some tears and so many cheers.

Congratulations to all runners, and well done, you all were incredible!

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