Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Palm Sunday

It had to be the image of a donkey on this Palm Sunday with all the symbolism it holds, and the only one around for me to blip had travelled from afar before he came to reside on top of the cd rack here in the flat!!

A symbol of kingship, found in many references throughout the ancient was not without significance that a donkey was the means of transport when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, His last journey before His crucifixion.

Its not without significance that His first journey on earth was probably on the back of a donkey too, when Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem to register in accordance with the orders of the census under the Roman Ceasar Augustus.

This year the Eastern and western churches celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter together.

Palms will have been elaborately woven and gaily decorated with flowers before being carried in procession through the streets. (not here I hasten to add!)

I often wonder what happened to that little donkey.......did he carry Jesus back over the hill to Bethany, and what kind of a story did he have a to tell his friends!!!

In my eyes....donkeys always look so though they do have secrets to share...but you know they never will!!

Happy Palm Sunday Everyone and Happy Blipping

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