Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

A Mere Trifling Day

The penultimate day before school resumes so a few things to accomplish in this last 24 hours!

GK was off on a medical roundabout for the morning and I was home to take delivery of an air purifier.

Not wanting to waste a moment....I emptied the cupboards and conjured up a few goodies to tide us over the coming week.

One of these was a mere trifle!! filled with sherry and topped with hundreds and thousands!!!!

Lunch was a savoury rice with halloumi salad followed by chocolate truffle!! Sounds like a contradiction in terms of healthy options...but dark chocolate is very good for you!

GK needed a rest so small siesta followed before being energised for a dash out to brave the Saturday crowds. Ikea and HyperPanda!!! the giant supermarket!! Hope some of the trolley pushers don't eventually end up behind the wheel of a car on the streets here....or I can see nothing but disaster!!

Eventually back home past our favourite Moti Mahal restaurant for a dal and naan takeaway.......its been a very productive 24 hrs.....and its still not over yet!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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