
She might not roar at 3am but it was enough to wake me from my slumber!
Got her back to sleep until 5:30 roar!
Sent daddy!

Daddy headed off shooting, I hastily arranged something to do as couldn't face the morning with nothing planned. Charlotte asked to go back to bed around 9:30 which gave me an hour to sort stuff out.

Two of the Nct girls came round to play. Always amazes me how nicely the girls just play and get on together. One stayed for lunch.

Daddy home, tired, down as he hadn't shot well.

Headed to an Easter wassail. Charlotte wasn't sure what to make of the Morris men at all. Daddy enjoyed his hot pork roll, Charlotte enjoyed feeding the piggies!


Daddy finding Charlotte asking for him all the time really hard going, he feels dreadful about it as he can see how it gets to me, but we both know when it's just me, she's fine! Long four days ahead for lee this week. Yes heading up to Sellafield so I have lots of friends on emergency standby just in case we / I need them.

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