Running, above Farndale

Holiday day 5. (Backblip)
One of the holiday plans was a day of long runs on the moor (Mr Rat's being longer than mine) and we chose part of the old Rosedale Ironstone Railway as a good place to go. As the day was dry and bright today was the day - though there was a strong and biting wind.
We actually ran on the part above Farndale which is gently undulating and I decide to do about 80mins altogether - the longest time I've run for about 25 years. Because of the wind I decided just over 40mins out and it would be quicker back, and that would allow a few photos, as well. The photo stops were very brief and the running was good and when I looked at my watch thinking I'd done about 20mins I'd done 29. The next time I looked it was 45 and I was nearly at the head of the valley and thought that would be a good turnaround point, which meant my total run time was about 96 mins - 50% more than any recent ones. I was getting some cramp in the back of one leg but it didn't get any worse and it was worth it.
Mr Rat ended up going 15miles (also 50% more) but afterwards we still had energy for a 2-3 mile walk in Farndale to see the wild daffs (wonderful display) and a wander round Hutton-le-Hole.

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