My life in blips

By Goretex

Near the Kelpies, Grangemouth

Beautiful sunny day today. What a difference a blue sky and some warmth makes. I feel as if we have stepped into another season overnight! I even enjoyed my first cup of tea outside at the back door.

After a quiet morning of some more holiday club planning and learning the theme tune (including on the piano), I experimented with a white choc and yogurt topped rice crispie, cranberries and white choc chip tray bake. It's really nice - I think I've had almost a third of the tray already!!!

In the afternoon we ventured over to the Helix to see the Kelpies and let MP have a good runaround and a swim. There were police everywhere. Apparently there is an opening celebration on Thursday and Friday evening involving a light show and fireworks. Obviously preparations were underway today.

Home to have tea and Eubers has cemented in my new whirlie gig. The arms on the other one rusted. As I rejoiced in fresh bedding dried outside, I then noticed a bird had done a giant poop down one of my white tops on the line. Yuk! At least tomorrow is looking good again, so it will be re washed in tomorrow's load.

This is a photo taken on our walk of some mace reeds.

Thank you to Killerqueen and SD for bringing over the postcrete.

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