wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Cable wars

Was exhausting.
I called the cable company last week they upgraded my service for less money. this by the way has turned out to cost twice as much as any bill I have ever paid they sent a tech today to install all the modems and DVDs and all that. When they did that, it turned off my RR email and suspended my account. So I had to email chat with someone who eventually re instated my email after I promised him my first born male child. joke's on him.

I got home and the wifi did not work. I had to call time warner and get it reset. Btw DON'T bother to give me a password. It's not like we need it or anything.

Then my husband said, your dvr modem thingy (he didn't say thingy) is on the desk in the back bedroom.
Again another call to time warner. Any reason why it was hooked up to my dad's computer instead of my tv? Cable said they would send a tech out and he would call me and be back in a few hours. It is now 7 hours later and no call, no cable.

So I go upstairs and disconnect the old cable and go to re connect the new cable and low and behold.......the tv is too old to take the dvr thingy. It occurs to me that this tv was in this room when I moved into this house. I have no idea how old it was however that answer is wicked old. So I was like, screw it. I don't need TV in my bedroom........ No one believed me.
I went to Walmart and said "give me an inexpensive tv STAT!

So 180 dollars later, (it was 1/2 price.) I have a new tv. So I got it home and omg who in hell wraps this stuff up. I can only assume the people are standing there in a factory saying " you know what this tv and instructions and mounting screws need????
More tape never enough tape. As a matter of fact make sure that when they go to open the bag you get so pissed that you pull it a part and the screws go flying everywhere. I know someone is laughing their ass off thinking some red headed bitch is on her knees searching for screws. And do you think I have a Philips head screwdriver? I looked everywhere I found 7 regular screwdrivers. After tearing the house apart Don called down " Oh I found one never mind" I have said the f word both with and without it's mother a million times this evening.

Oh and I just can't lift that old tv. It could be an anchor and may have to be as now you can't get rid of an old tv. So now I have to pay to dump it at the dump.

I screwed in the cable, connected another chord and voila. We be in business.

Still no call from cable.

So as it stands;
Installation fee (surprise)...........45
New tv........................................180.
Dump fee for old tv.....................15.
Bottle of KetelOne......................20
Bar of soap for
washing out my mouth...............2.

No value for my self respect obviously.......

Then it occurred to me I don't have a blip. I ran outside almost dark mind you and blipped a scillia.
Not as sharp as it could be but....... I was either this or my body lying on the floor empty vodka bottle in hand.

Oh and I started walking with my sister Dianne today at lunch. MMC is at the top of a BIG hill I know because I walked up that hill. I could crack walnuts with my thighs they are so tight. I wasn't out of breath but my calves and thighs are very very pissed off at me. So I will tumble off to bed. Which is covered in clothes and hangers and everything else I threw on it while I was searching for the new remote. Which come to find out I left downstairs on the desk.
I am exhausted
So Good night to some.... Good morning to Down Under!

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