
By granpabear


First I have to tie some loose ends together. A few years ago, the people across the creek from us cut all of the ivy off of the Cottonwood tree over there. This exposed the flat top of the old tree. Looked like a good nesting spot to me, for an Osprey or Eagle. Well remember the two geese that stopped by last week? I think it was that same pair on their first trip here. One of them landed on that flat spot, and stayed there for a day or two. I had never seen such a thing! I was hoping for nest, but they left. That tree rotted away.
Now, remember the Cottonwood we cut down, and the Beavers are eating the bark. I asked the boys cutting the tree down to leave about twenty feet of the stump up. Some people said that this would look stupid, but my thought was that from the patio door we wouldn't even know that the tree was gone, and it blocks the view into the house from across the street. But what I kept to myself was that it would make a good platform for a nest.
There has been a pair of Bald Eagles hanging around, but they haven't bought the idea.
So last night we are laying on our bed with the doors open, watching 60 Minutes, when there arose such a clatter. Goose honking loud, like they were in the house! Two of them, the same two from last week, I figure. One sounded like he was in the kitchen. I grabbed the camera, ran to the back door, and there he was screaming, I am the king of the mountain. The one in the creek was answering, you are, you are! Then they were gone this morning. But maybe.
Sorry the pictures aren't better, but I think you get the idea.

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