Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

I don't really want a nap

We took the boys to be weighed yesterday.
Isaac is now 14lb 1oz and Elliot was 15lb 5oz they have both put on over a pound in a month.
Our original health visitor has moved over the flying start team so I was expecting to meet our new HV. This was not the case as a replacement has not been assigned yet. I was not a happy mummy and I expressed this politely to the HV covering clinic. The boys are still waiting for their 3rd check and as they were premature and this is a developmental assessment I feel it's very important to get it done.
HV covering clinic said we could be waiting up to 4 months for a new HV!!!
That could mean that the boys would be one before they have their 6 month check!
As I was not happy about this and had already raised issue at our last clinic visit about us not having had the HV said she would speak to her manager to see if she could sort something out.
Luckily her manager have her the ok to come and see us.

It's absolutely disgusting in my opinion that if you don't come under flying start (which is done by postcode with us) you and your children don't matter!

My friend Fran and her two little ones are coming for a visit today which will be lovely.

Both boys have now drifted off for their morning nap how long it'll last is anyone's guess

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