Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Fun in the sun

We had a second night of all night in his own bed from Elliot. He woke at midnight and was very awake and upset so I brought him in with us but he wouldn't settle (that's a first!). So I put him back in his bed and he went back off. He was awake again at 5:30 came in with us and drifted back off until Mr L's alarm went off.

Playgroup was back on today much to my relief. The boys had a great time as per normal especially chomping on biscuits, toast and drinking squash.

I got the boys a sand and water tray which they loved even if we all ended up a little damp.

Elliot has gone off to sleep nicely on his own. I was fully out of his eye line tonight so hopefully over the next few days I can start to just put him down and leave the room.

Both boys have cut another night tooth with very little fuss or bother. We can't seem to win with them and their teeth either it's the worst thing ever or it doesn't phase them!

Hopefully this lovely sunny weather will continue as it great being able to play outside.

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