Scarlett and Me

We were ready to go out early this morning as I had to take Scarlett to the clinic to be weighed, but before we went I took her out in the garden to take some selfies of us both. I had some better ones, but I love this one as it's more natural and shows the fun we have together. Composition wise it's awful, the house behind looks like it's leaning, but holding a baby in one arm and a camera in the other it's very difficult to get a good shot!

Anyway, we went to the clinic and she's now a whopping 19lbs 70z. It's amazing how she's come on from that little 4lbs 5oz preemie, I'm so proud of her as you can probably tell. I've just noticed that Scarlett was my blip a year ago when she was just 3 months old.

She's just having her morning nap and then after lunch I'm taking her round to see Alan's mum and dad for an hour. I've got a few things I need to do while she's asleep, so I'd better get on and then I'll try and catch up on your journals. Hope you're having as good a week as I am :-)

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