Southbound to Brighton

It's time to say goodbye to my girls and head back South to Brighton, but before I left I got Scarlett up and got her dressed. She goes to nursery on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so once they'd left for work I had a quick shower and packed my case.

I've got a few things to pick up for our house that's on the market for sale and then I need to go round there to meet a glazier. There's a double glazed unit that's failed so we need to get it replaced, and I also met a gardener there last night who's going to maintain the gardens until it's sold, so that's a relief.

This railway line is near Rachel's house, and when I was crossing over the bridge the other day I thought it would make a good blip, so I stopped this morning to take a photo. I like how the track disappears into the distance.

Once I'm finished at the house I'm picking Alan's parents up as they're coming to Brighton for Easter. It's the first time they've been to visit since we moved there, so it'll be nice showing them around. I want to get on the road by 11am so we're home before rush hour.

Apologies once again for my lack of comments, but I've been a little bit busy!

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