Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

A picture says a thousand words.

After the upset of yesterday it was time to get moral back up.. Who better to do that than Roo.

I saw Graham this morning when I served him breakfast, 50 days I've been in here today he said but he chuckled away when I asked if he had been marking them off on the side of his bed like the old fighter pilots did!

When I went in after lunch with Roo it was a different story his laughter turned to tears as he cuddled Roo, I got choked up myself, but the next minute he asked how much I'd paid for Roo.£300.00 ten years ago, he then told me he would gladly give me £1000.

A few months ago Tom a guy I work with asked if I could help him raise some money for a charity bike ride he is doing in June from London to Paris, Tom sadly lost his brother Joe last year when Joe took his own life at the age of 27.

Tom hopes to raise money for his chosen charity papyrus prevention of young suicide,

I'm hoping you ladies maybe swayed by Toms good looks:)))

With a little help from Roo he happily posed, if anyone would like to sponsor Tom no matter how small please go to justgiving and type in Tom Coley.

Job done Roo

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