Cocktails at Noon
It is official...I'm a plonker! I really wanted to get up early and see if the lunar eclipse was visible, I had my camera and tripod ready, I had my coat ready to throw over my pjs, the alarm clock was ready....except I didn't press the button to set it...aaaaargh! So I slept through the 4.30am eclipse time and didn't wake up until the sun shone through the curtains and blasted me awake at 8am.
We started celebrating Tracey's birthday early today by going into town to the V&A for lunch. Carole came along with us and Ellen nipped in for a drink as she was tied up with other things. The sun was shining and the food was good but best of all is spending time with friends.
I decided to have a Singapore Sling (or two) as I've never had one (two) before...I would have liked to have had it (them) in Raffles Hotel but the V&A did very well today. When I got home I lay on the bed just for two minutes but fell asleep for over an hour...thank goodness I woke up in time for my appointment about my knee. I have to go back for an X-ray on Thursday and then they can decide if it needs operating on or not.
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