Green tree

I went and sought out the green hoardings again this morning, as it was so sunny - I knew the tree shadows would be out in full force.

Still feeling crappy this morning - but I did start to feel a bit better as the day went on. Busy day - kicked off a big project we've been preparing for at work for ages. So far so good, but have a feeling there's a lot more work to come.

Got home to find that all the fixed windows (ie the non-opening ones) have been double glazed now. Exciting stuff! The 'openers' will all be taken out one by one and worked on in the guys' workshop nearby. Really pleased with the progress they've made today :)

Spoke to my Mum this evening, and then my brother, too - going down to stay at my brother's tomorrow night, and going to see my Mum next week. Part of me wishes I could just stay at home and rest, but most of me is really looking forward to seeing them.

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