
Terrible photo, but I didn't really take any others all day. Left work early this afternoon and caught the train down to Maidstone. My sister-in-law very kindly picked me up from the station and took me back to theirs. We had a nice catch-up over a cuppa and then had dinner, too. My brother didn't make it back from work in time, so it was just me, K, and my niece. K then gave me a lift into town and I met up with several of my old school friends for a bit of a reunion. My friend Kelly is back from NZ at the moment, so we'd all arranged to catch up while she was here. I was somewhat early to the bar (a real first for me), so sat on my own for a while before Kelly and then all the others arrived.

Had a lovely evening catching up with everyone and my brother then kindly came to pick me up at the end of the night. I sat up for quite a while with him and K when we got in, then finally got to bed about 1am. Lovely to get to catch up with my family, too :)

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