Dedicated to Kong who must have been a great bloke

That's what it says on the back of the cover.

Why this photo ?

In truth its just what's in front of me and it always cheers me up to think of the Bonzo Dog Band and even more when they were the Bonzo Dog Doo/Dah Band - even without playing the record.

I have been a bit of a failure photographically today - too busy earlier in the day then a set of failures trying to take the moon through some trees. I also missed going to the camera club this evening as I was just too tired (pathetic!).

On the up side a bit of perseverance and some improving DIY skills means after what seemed like half the day I managed to replace and fit one of my front door locks. It had suddenly stuck in the locked position. First job of course was fiddle with it a bit to get it to open then the easy part - remove the old one. Off to the DIY store and find the right type of lock and of course size - success.

I thought it was an easy slot in replacement but no despite being the right size the casing that goes into the door was subtly a little taller and a little thicker than the original. So chisel this chisel that and I made it fit eventually but getting it all to work properly took all the energy I had today.

Tomorrow as they say is another day - let's hope so.

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