Lunar Eclipse

No 1 & 2 son stayed up with me to watch the lunar eclipse. Littleman was going to, but about midnight he decided he was bored and went to bed :0)

It has been so warm for days and I was hoping to have a 'lunar eclipse party' with the kids and maybe sleep outside, but last night it decided to get really cold - go figure! We wrapped up in blankets on the patio and watched the moon do it's stuff anyway though and it was fun.

I took lots of pics, none were really any good, the full moon one's I got were better than I had last time, but at the time of the eclipse there was so much less light from the moon that it was difficult and my little tabletop tripod wasn't as good as a 'real' tripod would have been.Anyhow, hope you enjoy my attempt.

Had some cute pics of littleman sewing today, he helped me make hooded towels - (I might put one in my blipfolio). That was going to be my blip, then I remembered that last night's pics were actually taken at 2am ish so they were really today's LOL

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