
By anhedgie20112


I overslept this morning but woke up to learn practice was canceled. Winning.

I couldn't get out of bed. The weather was miserable.
We were going to bunbury in the city but didn't because of weather.

We went viola shopping at Kolstein's. I liked the David Herman one the best. I tuned a lot of violas lol.

We went prom shopping. There were two I kinda liked. Didn't buy.

I went bunburying for the first time. Woah.
Me, Kristen, Kimia, and he went to Applebee's. He was nice and sociable. I don't know. I think I kinda expected a superhero. Conflicted on Kristen's behalf, accentuated by my talk with Elliot.

Practiced the octet and barber.

I want to see Dan. Lol.

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