Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Blood Red Moon - NOT!

Oh how I wanted to blip the moon last night! The lunar eclipse was amazing!

About 11:45, the lunar eclipse started. I had set up my tripod in exactly the right spot, and had everything set up. Steve, my local camera guru, had written out instructions on how to photograph the moon, since all my previous attempts had been abysmal. As the eclipse was happening, I clicked away. I would occasionally check the photo. None were coming out with the clarity that I wanted, but I thought it might be because of the very fine cloud layer. But then about 1 am, the cloud layer lifted and you could see this beautiful red moon. But no matter what I did with my exposure, focus, lens, etc., I could not get a clear image. At about 1:30, I gave up and went to bed. But I laid in bed for another hour watching as the eclipse ended. Even though I didn't get any clear shots, watching the eclipse was worth staying up for.

But, Steve, you lied.

So, I took Wally with me on a long walk by the river this evening. We walked by this little bush covered in these tiny pink and white blossoms. They were quite pretty and lifted my spirits.

Oh, yeah! And the world didn't end last night like some predicted.

Have a great Wednesday.

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