
By grounded

Sore throat!

Got up this morning well happy that only one more get up for work tomorrow for the rest of this year! A reasonably calm day at work and I seem to be emptying my inbox ready for the Christmas break. Good! Empty inbox = Good Christmas!

Grabbed lunch in the mess today and watched one of the sqns gearing up for a Christmas lunch. It's like the last week at school at our mystery base in Wiltshire.

Got home at a reasonable time to eat bacon butties for dinner followed by apple crumble with cream AND ice cream. All just to sooth my throat you know!

Was choir practice again tonight with our newest addition the General Secretary of the Baptist Union of GB. That's like the archbishop of baptists! Well he's actually just a member of our church. After so much singing I have come home with a very sore throat. Actually been on the lemsip all day. Need to be well before the weekend. Last thing I need is to start leave in bed ill!

Off for an early night!

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