Create The Space, You know you can win
We have always taken support of our children very seriously.
For years we stood on cold, wet, miserable side lines while Boy played Football, and Girl played Hockey. Some matches we just leaned up against the goal post keeping Boy company. I was always vocal. Himself was the voice of reason (until he saw what he considered unfair play)... and then oh dear, watch out!
Then it was the volleyball matches.
Every Saturday, occasionally both Saturday's and Sundays. Most Saturday we spent all day in Gym halls, watching first Boy then watching Tooli. Sometimes, holding the flags, always shouting support, some match days driving fromone side of the country and back again but always behind them all the way.
Boy is 3500 miles away, and tonight is no different.
Tonight is a BIG MATCH, and in honour of the Trojan's reaching the Finals of the Conference Cup... I insisted that everyone must dress appropriately for the cause.
Everyone took it in good part... even the cat :-)
And now, we sit with clenched buttocks awaiting 12 midnight our time... 7pm their time, and sit with excited hearts to watch the Boy play.
We'll all be watching Boy, and wishing, and hoping, and squeaking, and knowing that you can do it.
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