The Driftwood Table

My husband was looking for a table for his room, made of natural wood. He couldn't find anything he liked, so I suggested that he make his own. He thought that would be a good idea, and decided to make it out of driftwood.

The last few weeks, while I was combing the seashore looking for snowy owls, he began looking for the right size and shape driftwood to create his masterpiece.
We both came home with our treasures. He spent the last week working all day, every day, until he completed it. He embellished the floor of the table beach stones, and shark teeth, as well as a wooden carved shark that fit perfectly in between the driftwood, as if he was swimming. He capped it with a round glass top.
I think he did a great job! He is now working on a driftwood lamp to go with it.

I may have created a monster, though. Our back yard is now filling up with more driftwood, for future tables and lamps!

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