Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

A Stretch Too Far

I had to abandon my workshop for several days while I went through the annual agony of preparing our tax return. I finished it on Monday -- a day early -- and I've been finishing up the storage unit.

This morning I spent a couple of hours bent over double, installing the edge banding, and I was hoping the afternoon yoga class would help me straighten up again. It was the first class of a new session.

Our instructor, Denise, began by asking us to introduce ourselves and to state what our goals were. The first person wanted to be able to touch her toes. I said I'd given up hoping for that a long time ago and I just wanted to continue being able to put my socks on. I was beginning to find it a bit of a stretch until I took up yoga a year ago.

I'm sure nobody in the class hopes to match the ability of Mr. B. K. S. Iyengar, the founder of Iyengar Yoga, and one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world.

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