Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


July 7th.....

Le tour comes to Cambridge.

Excited? Me? Nahhh!

Hehe, I can't wait!

But for now it's all about plans.....where we are going to stand to choice...all that kind of stuff! Everybody else is planning too. My little buddy that I sit with and chat to about all manner of things in the morning is a knitter, she and her knitting pals are making little woollen cycling jerseys. Once finished, the lot of them will be placed on garlands and put around town in a city wide 'Yarn bombing' manner. I love it!

Every morning, for a week or so, I sit and think with the gentle sound of clicking as her deft hands work away. The sound evokes fond memories of my grans and scratchy woollen garments of torture that filled my early childhood. I love the amount of energy that goes into this kind of thing. It takes time to make things...time and effort.. I wish that we could have more creativity in how we do things....with all the rules about procedure and health and safety it seems we have become so boring, less eccentric and more predictable. So when the Goliath of colour and character that is 'The Tour de France' comes thundering through I shall be there....screaming my head off for the heroes of a sport that has given me soooo much...I will stand and watch Gods fly past on dazzling machines of technology....while little woollen jumpers flap over head!

Excited? Me? Hahhhh! Fib much?

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