The view from the stockroom
A busy day (as always). Up and at them early to go to a vendor show at the account at which my smaller accounts rent space in. I had met all of the suppliers before so it was just a catch up for me.
Then when upstairs to see my guys - during the show earlier my big boss called me to see if I could fill a foursome in the big golf charity golf tourney we are participating in next week. Should cost over $1000 for the team, but we comp'd it all. Found a couple of guys in one company that had done a fair amount of business with us over the past month and they managed to get the time off for "networking" from their boss. Currently 1 space open so if anyone out there want to start and account with us tomorrow - then let me know and you are in!
Met with quite a few of my customers, made some progress with ones I had done before. Including brothers from Mexico (one of which has been touted to be one of Mexico's top entrepreneur. They are developing their dad's treatment for poor eyesight not using lasers, but contact lenses and eye drops.
After that I headed onto our new big account that we took off the competition. Help organise their stock rooms and fulfil their inventory management/ordering along with the rep I work with there and a guy who is employed by us to run the stock room and ordering. Plenty of opportunity their for the rep and big $$$'s. She was already well up on last year so will be making a crap load of money this year and perhaps for a few years to come (although they will be moving the goal posts!).
Came home to two very exciting doggies looking like they hadn't been walked for ages. The wife told me they had just been walked - the swines!
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