Which one?

Well, for the first time in ages mummy couldn't decide which picture to use. She had one of me starkers with a shower cap, one of me on a swing or the one she picked. She didn't think anyone was ready for a naked picture of me and the other one had a big shadow so she was left with this one.

This morning, I wanted a shower. So mummy and daddy let me have a shower, I had to have a shower cap on though. So after a quick wash I was dressed and ready for the day ahead.

We then went out to get me some trainers. My feet have grown and my old trainers where looking a bit tatty. I was very lucky and daddy bought a fancy pair of bright pink trainer boots. Mummy bought me more sensible doodle shoes for running round in the summer. I didn't want to take either pair off!

When we got home mummy took me out in my car and to the park. I had great fun on the swing and slide. When we got home I woke daddy up, he is night shift tonight so was having a quick nap.

For tea we surprised grandma and took her a chippy tea. I had some chips too. They were delicious. I had great fun and gave grandma lots of kisses and cuddles before I left. I will see her on Sunday, in my special Easter outfit. So I'm off to bed now, I'm very tired as I have only had a very short nap. I'm off to dance with the fairies, I have lots to tell them.

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