Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Easter Lamb

The sun returned, the blackbird is sitting on a nest in our garden, freshly baked hot cross buns out of the oven and all is good with the world.

We headed off for a circular walk from Coniston to the Pie (Last seen here) saw our first swallows of the year, a stoat running across infront of us and then down the side of a mini waterfall, ponies literally rolling around for joy and then... we met a farmer who was feeding this little lamb. He was obviously in need of some company so we stopped and had a long chat about this fella (one day old - lost his twin, gruesome birth) and the vagouries of sheep farming. Last year was a shocker of a year - remember all that snow? So this year has been a real bonus with warm spring days. His farm is massive and he has hundreds of sheep and is just about half way through the lambing. However, with more lambs, the price he will get is lower. Swings and roundabouts. I asked if I could take a photo and he agreed and then I kind of forgot that I could take his picture and homed in on the lamb (old habits) so every photo of this lovely farmer had his head cut off. Must take a lead from Earthdreamery who has really got the portrait nack. Anyway here is a lamb - we think a herdwick (but forgot to ask that question too).

In other news my reading glasses were ready for picking up. Weird feeling - everytime I look up, the world goes blurry (and no, it's not the drink from last night).

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