Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Homeward stretch

We walked a 20 mile section of the Dales High Way today. Setting off from Settle to Malham and then a further 12 miles home. It was the longest walk I have done since Trailtrekkers a couple of years ago, and has left me thinking how the hell did I manage a further 42 miles?!! To be fair, despite the sunshine, for a lot of the way we were walking into an nicy strong headwind. We were very glad we had opted for long trousers rather than shorts at the last minute.

Our fastest mile, according to the walking app was tellingly, the one before the pub stop!! After this we were treated to the fab sight of a newly born Highland cow calf staggering around on wobbly new legs. For obvious reasons we didn't venture close enough for a decent photo.

Very satisfying days walking and now enjoying a well-earned Gin.

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