
By elk922

The day that changed everything

Wow! Little did I know when I woke up this morning, that our lives were about to change forever. The day began on a terrible note, but started looking up soon after.
Around 8:00 am my mom called me in tears saying that Tom had just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. It really was a huge shock, and though thyroid cancer is one of the most curable cancers that exist, you never want to hear that your family member has it. I spent awhile talking to her and trying to help her process what this means for him. But we are all definitely praying for him a lot, and for the family!
After that conversation I started to get ready for my day. I didn't have to work but I wanted to exercise and go buy some conditioner because I was fresh out. After the workout I headed up CVS. I was wandering around, seeing what else I could pick up while I was there and I came up to year pregnancy test section. I was fairly confident that I wasn't pregnant, but my period was a little bit late, and I figured what the heck, it will just confirm what I already know and I would at least know how to use one for the future. Well as I was running a bubble bath I peed on the thing and almost immediately a big giant blue plus sign appeared. I honestly didn't even react very much, I kind of stared at it perplexed, scratched my head and muttered, "hmmm". Then I took a bath and thought about it some more, but no real revelation came yet. I started browsing Pinterest for pregnancy related stuff, but still it didn't feel real. In fact it still doesn't, I don't know when that reality is going to sink in.
So obviously I had to tell Jimmy when he got home. He called after work saying that he was going to go play tennis with the guys and that he would be home in a few hours. I was a already dying, trying to hold it in, but I managed to squeeze out an "ok honey". By the time he got home I thought of a cute way to tell him and videotaped the whole thing. I but the test in the oven, haha bun in the oven....get it?! It was a cute video, he was just as shocked as me. We definitely didn't plan this little one, but The Lord knows way more than we do. I think at this point we are trying to not get too excited because so many of our friends are talking about miscarriages a lot, so we are guardedly optimistic. I think it isn't going to really sink in until we are out of the proverbial woods, and we get to see our little alien on the ultrasound. Until then I am praying to The Lord in thanks for this blessing and that Jimmy and I have each other. I feel beyond blessed!

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