Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

"Stairway to Heaven"

- Led Zeppelin

If we are honest, we would all like to buy a stairway to heaven.

Mine was purchased for me - with a body and the blood of one who loves me more that I can ever deserve. He drank every drop in the cup of death that was meant for me. He died a death that was meant for me. He was laid in tomb that was meant for me. He knew me before the earth was formed and loved me enough to die a hideous death. All for me. My Jesus did this for me. This is what today - Good Friday - brings to mind.

The rest of the story is remembered on Sunday - when He conquered all sin and death - and rose from the grave, giving me new life and a freedom I had never known.

Today is too important a day not to remember - to actively remember. It may not be that way for you. It was not my intent to offend, just to share with you the most amazing thing ever done for me. I want to remember all that He did to give me access to that stairway to heaven.

May you have a wonderful weekend and a blessed holiday.

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