Ed's Blip

By edjackson

Economist Covers

The cover refers to the global climate change conference that begins this week in Copenhagen. The intention is to renew the Kyoto protocal on climate change, but at this moment in time there are many other pressing problems facing world leaders, not least a worldwide economic slump. At least this time the USA, with president Barack Obaama, is fimrly on board to make something happen. Very different from when George Bush was in power.

In other news:
President Obama unveiled his long awaited decision on troop levels in Afghanistan. An extra 30,000 American soldiers will be deployed to fight al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

Just days after the International Atomic Energy Agency scolded Iran for its nuclear activities, the Islamic Republic announced that it would build another ten uranium enrichment plants.

Directors at the Royal Bank of Scotland (75% owned by the government) threatened to resign if the British Treasury prevented them from paying £1.5bn in bonuses at its investment banking unit.

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