
By Mo


It's become a bit of a tradition to go to Anya's house on the last Friday morning before Christmas for stollen and mulled wine. There were seven of us friends, with ten pre-school aged children. Next year, seven of those kids will be at school when their mums meet at Anya's.

We talked and laughed and even sang some Christmas songs together. Did you know that there is a second verse to "When Santa got stuck up the chimney"?

As we were leaving, Delphine surprised me with this beautiful wreath which she made herself. I will hang it on our front door tomorrow morning - which might make a better picture - but I just wanted to capture the fabulous feeling that I had today, spending time with friends.

This afternoon was the usual whirl of boys' activities (drama and Yu-gi-oh) with a bit of running around town putting up posters for yet another fundraiser. The kids were so tired tonight that they asked if they could go to bed early. Result! I can finish the present wrapping. If I get off blip, that is ...

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