Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Oh my god, shoes.

Sorted my shoes out.

I have them in order of favourites. These are my top three. From the grey shoes I have my Jessica Simpsons which were £25, then in the middle I have my newest pair of shoes which were £5 (yes I know) and the last pair was a lovely present on Sarah which I got for Christmas. They are beautiful, and I need to wear them on a night out. Soon as.

I had work today which, for once, was actually really good. I got to be on ice creams which was lovely because it was sunny and warm and all I did was serve people ice creams. We've gone back to scoops which is nice and much more satisfying.

Tomorrow and Monday I will be on there too which is a nice way to spend the Easter weekend. At work giving people ice creams.

I'm also in two minds about driving. I'm currently debating switching too automatic. Not sure.

Happy Blipping.

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