
By SuffolkBumble

April 20th 2009 - Our workplace

This morning we went to work at Beatrice’s farm, which is a fairly long way away. The first part of the morning consisted of me and Soren digging holes but as it was so hot we ended up doing a pretty lousy job to be honest. We chatted football and girls and then had a nice long lunch from the shack in the blip. We cleared some grass with machetes and kind of felt like we had done chores more than conversation but nevermind. The driver was 45 minutes late so I had the chance to pick some flowers for our dinner table.

Back home we went to the internet café and then to the rocks for sunset. After a pasta salad and chicken soup for tea, Mia, Sara and I headed out to meet the Voqui crew. It was a good laugh, chatting about school teachers, pranks, drunk times and playing some elimination pool. I headed home about 1am thinking I may regret all of the drinking in the morning…

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