Views of my world

By rosamund


I've had a really productive day again which I know sounds busy, but for me it's really relaxing. I hadn't had any alcohol at Marisol's last night so I woke up bright and early and finished yesterday's weaving. Once finished I managed to get it added to the etsy shop and had fun designing business cards and stickers and choosing packaging in the unlikely event that I actually sell something. When I do, I'll be ready.

I had to look out all my yarn to decide what to warp with next and I went for this green and purple combo that I've been dying to do for ages, there are three skeins, one with coils, one with beads and a plain one so it should be quite textured and interesting when it's finished.

I also set up a wee facebook page for Warped and Woven so if you're on the book of faces do pop over and show us yer thumbs :D

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