Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Goodbye Morocco

Last night we watched the best sunset yet from the rooftop terrace of our hotel. To the sounds of Ravel's 'Bolero' - not Moroccan music, for a very nice change.

Some of the group had very early flights, but we had an afternoon one, so could take it easy. A wander out for our last nousnous and chance to be persuaded to buy any sunglasses, watches, hats or bracelets that we may need.

This is a shot at Marrakech Airport. Didn't take many photos today. I spent time at the airport making a few notes to feed back to Intrepid on how to make this trip even better. I'm sure they will appreciate it.

What a great trip it was. We didn't get sick (though I have had several of my dizzy spells today), didn't have the runs, didn't have anything stolen or lost, we only got ripped off once, didn't have to use the emergency toilet roll we brought, didn't buy lots of unwanted things for the souvenir drawer, didn't lose my lens cap, didn't have to negotiate a hole-in-the-ground toilet - so many positives!

Though my suitcase failed to arrive in Edinburgh with me...

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