Farewell for now

I've had five days with these two.
Last night, they both slept through.
Nothing to do with me I hasten to add. I am crap at getting to sleep, so I have nothing to teach them!
It's been a joy to see how much they have grown and changed, since my last visit and even in just the five days.
I hope that tonight they will sleep again and that Chris and Faye can start to lessen their sleep deprivation just a little.

Journey home was going to be the best yet - I would have made it in just over four hours, except for a major delay, about 30 minutes from home, which left me in standing traffic for 45 minutes before I was able to detour off the motorway. Husband dearest greeted me with a nice cold beer when I got home. An hour later I was snoozing!!!

Soon be time for bed for me - James back at school tomorrow so early mornings continue!

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