
I didn't manage to acquire a black light today so that little experiment is going to have to wait for a couple of days.

Today I have managed to create a makeshift set up involving a potato, some copper wire, my homemade super strength bubble mix, a desk lamp and the 60D with macro rings.

This, and some others, is the result. Interference patterns.

Quite groovy.

Aside from that, I escaped the house to go with Corin to buy a new television. I didn't do anything except say "Yep, that one" and hand over my debit card. Corin drove, carried, lifted, installed the television. The only useful thing I have managed is to prepare mexican pulled pork for our tea, but even then, Corin has to lift it out of the oven.

I am wrecked today. Had to take strong painkillers again last night to give me enough comfort to get to sleep. Had a painkiller hangover this morning. Have felt shattered most of the day.

Amazing how much energy it takes to heal.

One day I will be back to normal. Whatever that is.

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