
Last night was horrific!
No other word for it
11:50 I was woken up by crying.
Managed to settle her
12:30 more cries, took longer to settle, more unsettled
1:15 high pitched wails, very upset.
Daddy tried Calpol, Calpol didn't work
She came into our bed
Still cries
Very upset unsettled
Went to sleep on daddy's chest

2:00 Charlotte my bed! so back to her bed she went, she did settle.... Until 2:30, crying again. I climbed into her bed and she really snuggled up into me, went to sleep.

Got back into our bed around 3:30! She was wide awake, bouncing at 6:00!

Daddy headed off to the flea fair at the show ground, we played, cuddled etc. 9:30 - Charlotte bed. Bed didn't happen. It was a rouse! Ended up in our bed watching final part of Toy Story 3.

Eventually at 11, she fell asleep in my arms, I crawled into bed which was were daddy found me when he got home. I slept / dozed until 12:30 then made lunch. Charlotte demolished her lunch!

Played outside for a while, Charlotte enjoyed playing with daddy's hammer! Then headed out to feed the ducks. So many cute baby ducks! Played in the park, great fun, had icecream then came home. Played in the garden some more.

Tea, jigsaws, bath etc.

Nursery tomorrow, 101 jobs to do!
Fingers crossed for a better night

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