Jensen Interceptor
Having looked on Wikipedia I can say the Jensen Interceptor was produced between 1966 and 1976 in a factory near Birmingham. That makes this car at least 40 years old. As I overlooked to look at the registration plate I don't know the year of this particular model. I seem to remember Jensen Interceptor had a role in The Saint. Unfortunately I didn't like the styling of this car even when it was in its prime. Now it is a Classic, but I still do not particularly like the appearance of the car.
At the weekend we saw a much older car. I think it would be vintage rather than classic. It was an Austin saloon and this time from the registration plate I found it dated from 1929. Really quite vintage!
As can be seen it was raining when I took this photograph. It was raining quite heavily as well, I am slightly surprised I don't see any evidence of raindrops on the lens.
I was up and about fairly early as I had to take my car in to the dealer for a software update. Not an issue when the Jensen Interceptor was built. Apart from the fact the settings all revert back to the factory default I do not notice any change as a result of the software updates.
Normally I have to consult the user manual to change anything on the computer, but as this is the second software update this month I still remembered how to switch the clock over to summer time!
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