at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

The Great Escape

So Ivy can now stand up in her cot in her gro-bag. Thank goodness she's so short and it'll be a while before she can climb out (given the rate at which Ivy acquires new skills- 'a while' probably means less than a week in this case....)

School holiday's ended and Euan went back to school today. Ivy missed him- at about 11am she conducted a search of the entire house trying to find him. She did the downstairs (very thourougly I thought- she checked behind doors) before trying to climb up the stairs. I picked her up and put her down at the top and she checked the bathroom, her room and our room (she pulled herself up on the side of the bed so she could check he wasn't in there). She didn't check the box room- I think because she's never been in there she doesn't know it exists. When he came back at lunch she was very pleased.

Ivy had both of her naps in her cot today- but it took a good 40 minutes of her larking about in her cot both times to get her down- so a big chunk of my day was spent sitting watching her get up to such antics as trying to chew through her cot bars- apart from that it was mainly errands and housework. Took some cloth nappies to the post office- we're selling on some of the nappies we don't use in order to fund more of the ones we really like. Good drying weather today- got two loads done and folded into piles that Ivy gleefully dismantled.

We're working on giving her more fattening solid foods- so she had chilli for dinner- she very much enjoyed mince. She now gets breakfast porridge with Euan, mid morning yoghurt and fruit, lunch, dinner, pudding and bedtime porridge.

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